

Ok so, since in the simulator pipe registers are fixed I can just have a simple translation from a variable to a register. At least with MMIX I do not have to worry about actually managing registers since there are quite plenty of them.


Ok so important registers for MMIX are these: rL and rG. These are both threshold registers for locals and globals, will need to read up on how they work.


How about this, for register provider I can have instead a system where I can create these RegisterProviders from the MCO and have a kind of manager of sorts. So perhaps what would be better is a manager. Really I can see how the MMIX setup can be adapted to other architectures.


MMIX is actually a bit complex though. I do not really need to duplicate MMIX at all, but I can take a bunch of ideas from it. Basically I can just make an easy to write simulator instruction set which suits my needs as I require them. Basically, design the instruction set for the purpose of the simulator. I would have to match up MMIX and that requires a bunch of reading, with an ad-hoc instruction set I can write it as I go along.


Also, pretty much every system has non-unified integer and floating point registers.


A complete manager would work actually. One where each register has an accessible state associated with it which can be obtained and such.


Ok so for the LCDUI API, I need to figure out a good way to provide a native interface that works well regardless of the system. One main consideration though is that with my threaded-global model change that I plan on having just modified global pointer for each thread. So I will need a display manager which supports multiple processes per thread. However due to the way the garbage collector works, each process can share any Displays created from a single master instance.


Actually a problem with that is for each process there will be a violation of the global pointer. So an object that belongs to another process will need a jump to happen into that process, and additionally those methods should never return actual objects, or at have it where they can be cloned by the VM before they returned. Probably the safest means would be the mailbox system like I have before, however for intensive things such as the LCDUI, having an interface with so much overhead for drawing operations means that games and such would be insanely slow when being used. So really the native LCDUI code should directly use the native resources. If the native resources need to be switched (for example if there is only a single unmanaged screen) then the LCDUI implementation would have to handle that. I think that would be the simplest thing to do. So the native interface whatever it is, for each unique MIDlet will have to make a map of the current MIDlet process to give an interface for it, but it could work.


One thing though with MIDP3 is that it is designed to be single threaded and everything is serialized within each other. I will need to have a special marker for anything that is serialized, just so I know. I can use an annotation for this.


Also, one thing I could probably do is have optimized Images where they are of their specified type (for example 32-bit or otherwise). For some images which are say 256 color ones, it would be a bit more memory efficient than always using 32-bits to store the color data.


Ok so there is Canvas then there are the UI widgets which are all based on Screen. Having a native look and feel would be nice though. But I need to simplify the LCDUI interface because right now it is too complex to begin with. Although I did simplify it before, it needs even more simplification.


Something I suppose that would be simple would be just an attachment. Basically when a form or otherwise is set to a display just say the current viewing whatever is this thing. A Displayable can only be bound to a single display anyway. So basically there would be a display engine. Display would be used to keep track of what is on the screen and such along with doing all of the event handling. I want it so that the native code never has to call events for anything outside of a display. Also where possible to never have a native display have direct access to the LCDUI elements. So I would suppose that there would be a native attachment so to speak which can be bound to a display.


I know previously I have had a complex locking mechanism for switching displayables, but I can actually remove that.


Ok, so can Canvas be fullscreen? They can, but only canvases are full-screen so that means I will just need a fullscreen mode for that. I could really support it for anything, but a fullscreen Canvas would probably be a bit more optimized so to speak.


Maybe since Canvas is different and the only outlier when it comes to full-screen, maybe what I can do is treat everything as a standard widget in the native classes, including canvases. Then I can have a special method which does a full screen canvas array access. Basically it creates a graphics object which is then returned which might directly access the screen. Otherwise, outside of full-screen mode it will just use whatever standard means of drawing graphics exists. Basically the full-screen mode can allow for more direct access, rather than potentially being behind a widget buffering engine and such. Of course I will need to have a software fallback in the event there is no actual native widget system.


So SquirrelJME will handle any widget stuff. But the basics would be that it is handled very similarly to full-screen mode. So what I need to do is determine the best way to handle fullscreen graphics and the widgeting system without having it be a giant mess.


In reality, only a single Displayable will get events and almost every displayable will be able to able to have various listeners attached to them. So I can have a very basic handle event in that class and have internal set of key listeners and such.