
DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.

I was out doing stuff all day and as such, could not get any coding time down. 2014/07/21 -- The following was moved from the k8 LaTeX file and placed here instead. Deviations

Since this is my own implementation, I will make my own decisions for certain aspects. Crimped SecurityManager

The SecurityManager is flawed in that it is essentially a user based check mechanism in the library. It complicates writing of code and failing to implement checks for it correctly may result in security vulnerabilities. I plan to rely on the kernel to perform such checks, so from the aspect of the program being run it thinks it is able to do whatever it wants. The kernel will be much better at setting specific limits to the program such as file or device access. Programs depend on the kernel to access resources anyway, so if it says no it will be a no rather than a kind no with a smile.

Programmers do make mistakes and it would be foolish if one believes they do not. A single method not checking the SecurityManager when it should could result in dangerous losses.

For compatibility reasons, if a process is spawned with a SecurityManager present then the kernel will emulate it and the permissions it gives. So rather than being done entirely on the user side it is done on the kernel side. This also means that either SecurityExceptions could be thrown at any time or system calls return different values. The kernel will create a new process which contains no threads so that secured checkPermission calls can be performed by it. It also permits stacking of SecurityManagers so that if a process is started by another who has a SecurityManager then that will also be checked. Tighter Checks Related to Inner Classes

Normally, classes outside of a specific class are not permitted to access specific fields or methods based on their protection status. With the addition of inner classes in the language, they are essentially outer classes with a bit of magic to wrap them up. Inner classes and outer classes can obtain access to their private or protected parts without discretion. To permit this in the language the compiler adds bridge methods used to access such pieces or methods. However, those pieces may at least be package private and they might even be public. So any methods that are marked as bridge or synthetic will need to have additional and a bit more complex checks to handle inner classes. Avoid System Threads

System threads are essentially extra threads that do stuff such as garbage collection or checking the time in a for loop. Since the kernel is the virtual machine it can just do this directly and requires no user space intervention.