
DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.

In an utter sense of failure I just realized my clock was 40 minutes behind, ouch. So the next paragraph was written today rather than yesterday so I moved it up here.

Oh wow, I should have used ArrayList sooner since it has get(), although Vector has the same. Supposed I am used to my old ways when it comes to Vector. None of my code should break synchronization wise since I use my own synchronization since I just cannot seem to trust those synchronized wrapper implementations. Good thing I am on Linux and I have access to sed otherwise changing all of this would be rather trivial. Before I commit, my repository size is "3571712 bytes" with an artifact size of "7135 bytes average, 61034 bytes max, 13528411 bytes total". Also elementAt() is only used in Vector so I can sed that change too. There is also removeElementAt() too which is only used in that one. I will also need to verify that I have no broken my 79 column width limit either.

Since my clock was 40 minutes behind, I just decided to change the dates of my edge commits to today by 40 minutes. My uptime and date at the near exact same time is: "00:44:08 up 2 days, 6:28, 11 users, load average: 0.94, 0.95, 0.90" "Fri Jul 4 00:44:08 EDT 2014". I can fix all the commits by pushing them up, but that is alot of commits, so I just pushed the times of ones which would result in cross days up some. So one may notice a giant skew of time but it is close enough.

Also, Happy 4th of July and 500 or so commits! Yipee!! Also my birthday is in two which is also very cool. And I went through my diff to make sure I did not violate 79 characters or so.

Repository size went to "3698688 bytes" with an artifact size of "7089 bytes average, 61034 bytes max, 13874312 bytes total". So that huge diff cost me 345901 bytes that matter.

In my Type code (aka the bits echelon package) I should remove IE and instead use EchelonError with Code.TYPEINFO instead of that shortened exception.

Tokenizer also needs a contextual next for usage with generics since they are preceeded by identifiers. Currently anything using said symbols are treated as operators by the tokenizer. Adding a contextual next would not be hard at all since it would only be for the case of those few operators. Another thing that may be improved with it is that limited rewinding could be supported and the count of the number of tokens since some mark or start of statement. I already count curly brace depth.

The context sensitive stuff should be in another class since I do not want to complicate the existing tokenizer. I also already translated the type stuff to EchelonError some time ago but I should probably remove the IE. The contextual tokenizer would not need full knowledge of the class layout but it can guess certain things, such as what is a field, a method, or variable. Although it will get tricky when it comes to actual methods.

A thread safe annotation would be good so I can quickly note whether a specific class is thread safe or not, most are not.

What I need to do is use the Compiler API that was added in Java 6 then have my javac use that instead of doing the compilation stuff manually. Though for compilation on Java 5 it would have to be supplanted by my own classes in my own class path.

Project is getting complex, I feel as if I made some errors in placement of my compiler and basic class layout. Normally one would choose net.multiphasicapps but that is rather gigantic and lots to type, k8 is much shorter. But I will not let that worry me. I believe the big mistake is putting a bunch of stuff such as the echelon system in k8.x, it should go in another package. The echelon system is not really meant to be in x which is for generic language stuff. The same goes for the compiler. This is the reason I have k8.t for command line version of tools. "k" contains the kernel, "t" is for command line tools, "x" is for extra language additions. Using the echelon stuff is not exactly stuff for additional things like new collections. I just need to figure out a new letter. Perhaps "s" for support classes that do not belong in s but are bridges between t. Also said classes do not belong in the kernel. It would be better to place stuff like echelon in there, or a future adapted form of echelon (like what is slowly occuring already) and other things. Similar to the com.sun internal packages, the stuff in k8.s would not really be meant to be used by general users. Also I seem to be going back to where I came from. I split echelon so that is contains only parsing stuff such as class information while compilation is elsewhere. I believe the main thing would be to do is to blur the lines a bit.

Deleted a bunch of empty x packages and merged cmdline into util, looks much leaner even before I do much bigger moves. Thought about making hairball its own super package, but it belongs in s now.

Sadly, moving stuff around loses annotations but oh well, I still do have the since stuff and the history is still there before said points anyway. The size of the repository bloats a little, but better for it to be done now than much later when it is huge.

k8.s.ci will replace k8.x.echelon and will be coded so that it is much leaner and more streamlined like the newer echelon code I have been writing up. However, I also should not put tokenizer and such in ci so that should go in a sp package for source processing.