
DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.


What I need is a better way of managing tags used for internationalization so that they are not insanely long nor complex. A preprocessor like directive such as FILE would be nice, but that is not possible nor that portable. I could use a wrapped enclosing class but that would be rather cheap and use up more space than I need, while also littering my code with empty anonymous classes which is not fun. The names could get incredibly long and that would just take up so much room. I can a value is the key but that is not a solution that I would prefer as it is also ugly. I could use UUIDs but then I would have to manage a UUID table. Also UUIDs are rather long like this one 4207c10e-8866-45ad-b581-f806d1217a07. Thirty two hex digits, or 128-bit. Using base32 that would be only 16 digits. I could also use a 24-bit number which takes up 6 hex digits or 3 base32 digits. A 32-bit number uses 8 hex digits or 4 base32 digits. The 24-bit number could be a modified slightly hash sum of the FQCN with the upper most 8-bits XORing other bits in a sort of split pattern. I would have to maintain that list, which would be annoying. Using the value as the key would be simpler to support but if two strings ever hash collide or are changed the translation could be lost and would require manual redo. However if the string value changes the meaning of it would change anyway so the modified value might not even match at all. Thinking about it I will go for value is the key, due to simplicity. Not the solution that I would have hoped for but may work. However, that would mean that the translations are not categorized at all. I will have gigantic blobs of strings just lying there. Although what I can do is have a basic module which describes something. That just takes me back to my current problem although now I do not need to think about a subkey. The key can just be which database to look inside for a string. I could add a transient private which contains said information at the top of each class. I could always just use the uppermost package or the class name instead. But those could have conflicts.


I could just use a dynamic thing, either use the current class name or this for non statics. getClass() could be optimized away by my future compiler anyway since it always returns the expected value.


Big problem with _Z and this, is that subclasses will need to get translated also, so I'll just use the static instances from now on.


I figured for my option handling, previously I have this complex set of interfaces just to obtain option values, but perhaps I should just use annotations instead. Annotations would be easier for option parsing and would be more concise in that I would not require a ton of interface fields. They could also be in any order too.


Distracted by Star Trek: Voyager, however this annotation stuff would be great.


Have not done much today.