DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.
I believe my simple compiler is not simple enough, it should probably just handle Java for the most part. Although in the future I will need C support. I should perhaps keep it a simple single-pass code generation engine of sorts that runs through a file, obtains a bunch of information, then generates code from it. There can then be a common code generator of sorts.
Have this idea for filesystem stuff, in the event that there is no real time clock, use some other time system if possible. Perhaps a time since uptime past a certain mount count. On a mount of a filesystem increase the mount number by one, this will be the master time clock. Then, the number of clock pulses that have passed will be known by a CPU (even if by a simple loop which if that is the only way it will be the number of loop runs). So if a system has been up for 123,456 seconds (about 34 hours) and the current mount number on the file system is 789, then the file time will be 789:123,456 and a file created at an even higher uptime of 234,567 on a previous mount of say 788 will be older.
For that to work though, time since last mount would be used instead of uptime, although both would be atomic. I wonder how most code that relies on time would handle cases where wall time that we use is undefined.
Have not been able to code much these days, just cannot concentrate on programming.
Marble Madness has some nice music, I just cannot concentrate on writing this parser for tokens, thoughts too much on the native class loader and the class compiler. Thoughts outside around in the real world. Have not played the piano in awhile, perhaps for a few months.
Looking at my since dates, not much from June exists in the current source tree after prunes of old code and such. June was echelon month where I worked on pretty much all of echelon, and now none of it exists. But, I learned from that experience and now I have compiler-wrapper. However I can sort of dip back into my old code writing the class format handler since I did have loadable classes then.