
DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.


I was going to write something.


Noticed that except for the new year, I have made many new month commits that say exactly that since 2014/08. I also should have done this HTML stuff sooner, though LaTeX is nice that file got way too packed.


Fixing up the SQ icon brings the joy of a text based uncompressed image format, although I did not use a text editor to modify the image. Changing only certain rows of the image however, does not need an entire file to be diffed.


I believe to for the tiling, I will use computer generated textures which consist of a basic pattern with some color attached. That would reduce the amount of work needed to draw the actual textures.


I need an efficient map for aliases for byte code ops, the ones where stuff such as ALOAD_0 can be turned into ALOAD with the right push.


Seems I am stuck on seeing why my method is not seen. The method being searched for is protected void runWIDE_ALOAD(JOp __jop) and I use the following MethodType of void.class, JavaMethodDecoder.JOp.class which should be correct. The descriptor is (Lnet/multiphasicapps/k8dr/form/ld/JavaCodeBank$JavaMethodDecoder$JOp;)V and the javap description of it is protected void runWIDE_ALOAD (net.multiphasicapps.k8dr.form.ld.JavaCodeBank$JavaMethodDecoder$JOp);. Going to look at the byte code now to see which class is passed.


Looking at the disassembly I know what the code does. The code calls the methodType with void, JavaCodeBank$JavaMethodDecoder, and JavaCodeBank$JavaMethodDecoder$JOp. Since JOp is a non-static inner class of the inner class JavaMethodDecoder.

 44: getstatic     #100 // Field java/lang/Void.TYPE:Ljava/lang/Class;
 47: ldc   #66 // class
 49: iconst_1
 50: anewarray     #101 // class java/lang/Class
 53: dup
 54: iconst_0
 55: ldc   #102 // class
 57: aastore
 58: invokestatic  #103// Method java/lang/invoke/MethodType.methodType:

That code, pushes Void.TYPE (class of void) onto the stack. Then it pushes the JMD class onto the stack. Then it pushes 1. Creates a new array of of size 1. Duplicates the array. Pushes 0 onto the stack. Puts the class value of JOp into the array. It then calls the static method MethodType MethodType.methodType(Class, Class, Class...) which results in a true call of (Void.TYPE, JavaMethodDecoder, JavaMethodDecoder$JOp).


Changing the protected to package-private works, but I would suppose that an accessor is needed for it to truly access the protected field. So not too much of a worry.


Sadly I will never know if my translated operations are correct until I can run them, so essentially I have a compiler which generates code for a system which cannot be tested until said system is created. Also the systems vary based on the CPU. So my decompiler will need lots of defensive coding just to be sure that sanity checks are performed on valid class code and that it does not cause some other code to get passed through OK. Since the dynamic compiler will have stuff like garbage collection put into it among other things, it will essentially be a part of it. One way to test it is on the host system by outputting to C code and then running that. At least C code output has virtually unlimited registers so I do not need to do a reducing pass (whereas for my first intended targets being RISC they are limited to 32, where it gets limited even futher due to ABI). Another thing with testing is that I cannot test it until I have a class library that can at least run, even with C output. So before I get a runnable system I will need to implement some of it at least. When I do that I will unit test it much so that many aspects of it are tested to make sure they operate correctly. A testing framework will be required since I probably will never get a TCK, so I need to gauge compatibility against something. Then once I get enough classes setup I can continue to write the PowerPC or MIPS compiler to run it on those respective systems. Probably PowerPC first due to there being QEMU which works reasonably enough. So this test framework will need to store results and have the ability to output to many locations like the logging framework. Then pretty much when I first start running the system, after the kernel does some base initialization I will then be running tests many times. But luckily the tests can be automated so I will have to have Jenkins around to do that, and e-mail/message me when stuff goes astray. I can probably get a base system up without implementing too many classes, although a base kernel that can run other classes at run-time will require the dynarec to be able to build itself and run itself without issues. I will need to target multiple CPUs earlier so that I can determine if an issue is with the architecture specific dynamic recompilation code or with the general code and any of its passes. So probably the first thing to do after the dynamic recompiler is good enough to recompile a bunch of methods without issues, I can work on the C output. Then with that C output try to compile the dynamic recompiler again, and do a loop around. If the C output manages to write another working C output (could iterate many times) without any failures or glitches then it should be good.