DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.
Changing the append logic gives me FCFCACACFS1
, which is the same as the old
one that it stops on. The location is 550 to 501. And the old one has the same
location also. So the appending of frames is correct it would seem. I should
probably check out the javap to see what it should look like.
The stack map table based on the class file format is correct as it is intended. The state of the virtual machine however is not. The current failing state is the result of a stack table however. I may need double stacks, one that is the result of normal executional flow, and one that is set by the stack map table. Though I wonder how that would work in reality. Not the code aspect of it but the security aspect. Suppose it would be best to try it out anyway just to mark that off, or potentially fix it.
Actually the StackMapTable is only used during jumps so perhaps that is what I need then, use normal execution flow unless a jump has been performed. Although the stuff still has to narrow as needed.
One thing is how to solve this issue. The right logic that is required for it to work.
Ok, I did that and the stack state is now more strict. However I land at the same point, the same 550 to 501 with the same two references missing.
However the stack flag specifiers has changed. Forget that as they did not. I am not too sure why this occurs, the stack handling and stuff should all be correct. Now I am tempted to just set those invalid local bits as a special state as to not be used. That way they are flagged and then. Kind of think of it though. The target has more locals while the current source has less of them (in this case two). In this case it is a back jump. The prioity of my stack grabbing is normal first, then SMT. Perhaps if I swap it around. And the result of that even if I make the SMT stack higher (use if it exists) it still fails in the same case. Perhaps the uninitialized values could shed some light on things potentially since I currently ignore those in the SMT. Still no effect.
Added new time note. It appears to only affect exception handler jumps. So I suppose I should perhaps ignore it until it bites me later on. However there will be rather verbose warnings whenever it is encountered however. Perhaps one day I will solve this issue.
Now I have an entire class recompiled albiet with some setbacks and a bunch of operations which are not even implemented. Just right now want to keep going and handling the decoding of byte code so I can decode all of the instructions before I do actual recompilation and run testing as such.
Now the next instruction after the set of some of these is MONITORENTER which will mean that a MONITOREXIT follows.
Did not change anything but 93 operands remain.
Ok, the class type for operands must be a Field because it is possible to check instances against arrays and such. Another thing is that in this case OpClassPointer is pointless as OpConst can be used instead.
Values being pushed in and out will need to have their types remembered so that strict operations are known.
Now I am at my first math operation, and it is IADD, joy!
Only 79 operations are left.
Now 55 remain.
I believe for ARRAYLENGTH I will just read a field from the type.