DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.
Of course to determine speed, I will have to choose a level that is long and does not have a train going back and forth. The brandenburg gate level is nice and long, however it has a tight terminal and obstacles. I suppose speed would best be measured on the long level with a train and then use that as a sort of starting point. Everything will have to be measured, including bullets and missiles to the best extent. Other things that will have to be done include stuff such as sizes and such. Although the game is 3D, it is very 2D oriented in many aspects. All shots shoot straight ahead and are just modified by your Z position. Not sure of ramps however, but there are few of those.
I suppose I should write the assembling of a basic entry point before I continue on with any NARF work, that way I know how it will work out at least when assembly code is written by hand. I can then design the assembly system to be nice and such. On another note, for FreeTanx I wonder if I should use a BSP (I understand the concept) or what I understand of Quadtrees. Surfaces will essentially be triangles though and collision will be done on those so that falling through the floor does not occur and running into walls happens. I suppose I will need a height the tanks can step up before running into a wall, so they can go up on curbs and such. I just need to figure out a simple way of how to orient a tank (angle it going up/down ramps) and if it is on the ground or not. The physics of the game it is based on is very non-realistic. Tanks can turn in the air, but they cannot change their momentum unless they are on the ground. But, realistic physics do not make a game. Another thing to consider is a navigation mesh that AI can use to move around the level to attack enemies. I would design the multiplayer aspect of the game first and then potentially add some kind of campaign. Ironic though, I do not really like war yet I make games with tanks and military strategy (Squirrel Quarrel). I suppose wars would be better fought in the virtual world instead of the real world. The virtual world only brings bruised egos instead of death.
I suppose FreeTanx will be a demonstration of 3D capabilities while Squirrel Quarrel would be of 2D. 3D would probably happen in years, but at least I would have something to play in the mean time. Although it is a side distraction, I do need to take breaks from my main work from time to time since I really pretty much work on it every day. Another thing I can do is actually use the sound library that I purchased. I paid a few hundred for it, it would be a shame to put it all to waste.
In the mean time, the instructions for a CPU may carry a special form but I should concentrate on the encoder and decoder of the instructions.
I know something that would be interesting, sort of. A way to determine (cheaply) if a package needs to be recompiled because some source code changed. This way, I no longer need to do lots of rm -f on some of my build JARs and force rebuilding the bulk of them on fewer changes. This should make it more efficient, although I have to store the information in the JAR itself. I do wonder though the most optimal way to store such information.
Such a system would not be truly perfect, but it should be good enough. I will only handle source directories and such because otherwise it will be quite complex loading Java class files to calculate dependencies and such when things are done. The PackageList will need some kind of temporary non-saved marker of sorts to indicate that the source has not changed so it is not checked over and over again.
Yknow, the JAR itself does not really need an entry in it which puts down the time it was built. It could be obtained from the filesystem although it might not be as accurate.
The list of files read will need to be handled however, to determine if any files were added or removed.
Well, time changes are detected and it is determined if something needs rebuilding, so that is good.
Ok, changing the package causes a rebuild to occur. Now I just need to see if a dependency forces a rebuild of all of the required packages as needed. I will test deleting a dependent built package, and then modifying the source. Deleting works. Now to change the dependent package. Changing the source, the dependent package is rebuilt and then any of its dependencies, so the code works.
Hairball launcher needs to include timing information now in the JARs that it
builds. On another note, seems the Java compiler is generating header files
for my source code. [INFO] ***
/net_multiphasicapps_k8_kernel_ieee1275_ppc_Main.h ***
Unintended but
Perhaps, such a thing could be used to my advantage in my assembly code. The file generated is pretty much only a header. Using a JNI interface could be handy however as I can use it in a C compiler. Although I have decided against a C compiler, perhaps I should re-evaluate it. I would have to study JNI some more. With my modified preprocessor, things have gotten better for the most part especially with it split from the source-compiler-c package. If the C compiler of mine could generate machine code, I could convert Java source code to C code which uses JNI. That would require the kernel have a C compiler in it however. It would also add an extra step as input code would have to be decompiled into an abstract form, compiled into C, then it would need to be preprocesed, followed by recompilation to some abstract form that likes C, and then that would have to be compiled to native code. Although at the core the language would be C, it would then be possible to switch C compilers so I could say use GCC or LLVM to generate machine code. I could also use my own C compiler. As for stuff from Java code I could just move optimizations away to the C compiler. The thing is I am going to need a C compiler anyway if I want to entice others to port their existing C code so it runs on the OS which is purely in Java. The C code must be object oriented where the functions are compiled into code banks. C lacks exceptions though. The JNI interface from C lacks garbage collection hints also.
One major thing C lacks though, is exception handling. It also needs to handle multiple types and potential garbage collection and such. Having the catch block after the try block will not work because catch could be anything and that may require funny loop stuff which is horrible. One alternative is to instead have the finally block first, followed by the catch block, then the actual try statement.
So yes, I believe I am going to convert classes to C first and then compile them with a C compiler. There is no reason to remove all of my other classes. However, if I want to interact with GCC then I will need to have a wrapper which can extract the binary objects and them place them into FormCodeBanks since that is what k8 will expect.
If I am going to include a C compiler into the kernel, then it has to be light. Thinking of GCC I cannot use it because that would mean I would have to embed GCC into my kernel, which is not exactly feasible to do.
I could have two sets of compilers though. Host compilers and target compilers. Host compilers can run on the system building it, while target compilers can only run on k8 itself. GCC would be a host compiler which can build the kernel. Although once my main compiler is finished I no longer need GCC because I have my own compiler. I can use the host compiler to conduct tests on a new target platform however, sort of. I could use it to cheat and to give be a bootable kernel without needing to write and test a full compiler at once. I will still need an assembler however so I must write that so that entry points could be used and such.
This means NARF will be deprecated and merged into the core-compiler stuff for general translation from Java to C.
I should probably split up the core-compiler stuff into separated packages so they are more modularized as needed.