
DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.


I may be able to determine variables and their initial state by running through all possible branches on the first pass.


I need a simpler SSA processor that is light and rather fast. The main thing is figuring out the state of variables at the start and where programs end. Calculation of such things would be complex. I suppose I need a state for each register, whether it has been read in a segment or written to. It will have to know if it has been read before write or written before a read. Once that is determined for a segment it will run that for dependencies to determine the potential state of registers at the start of an insertion point.


Ok, so SSA is rather complex and I am not currently sure how to make it work out well. I suppose what I should do so I can write a new SSA processing code is have SSAFlower be a kind of wrapper over some other class which processes a program. This way my first program runner is just a completely non-optimized SSA flow so I can work on code generation much sooner. Then once all of the compiler bits are written and working I can then in the future work on optimizations and such.


In my KernelBuilder, recompiled KBFs will have to be cached so that on differing compilation runs they are only recompiled if there is no native package or the recompiled package is older than the package to recompile.


I wonder if I should make it so variables in SSA programs are either non- reference types or reference types. Well, they currently are that. What I mean is that they cannot be used over each other. Say if a reference type is used in one slot, it cannot be of a non-reference type. Ideally the same thing could be said for all types. Keeping a single register to a specific type will allow for some optimizations and such. This however would mean that SSARegister is to be removed and operation outputs go into variables. SSARegister would instead become a slot of the specified type instead. Register could remain the same but it would become a slot instead. This would simplify register allocations and some optimization work. It might be best to go all the way and have each have its own slot for a specific type. Because then this way there could be SIMD operations done for example. All programs before being processed however would need a correctness check done on them. The thing is, I do not really know if my SSAProgram is really SSA. However, as to before: if I take references and keep them in their own section then cleaning them up is easier as I can just... well my methods will need finalization for garbage collection marking. Basically the finalization would be as if the entire method was in a try-finally block, where the finally block goes through all the allocation references and does some kind of clearing on them as needed.


Perhaps for my SSAProgram I need a double rover of sorts. An active entry point which starts at segments ready to be turned into machine code and a processing end which may depend on dependencies and such. Or SSAFlower takes an input program and processes it to be turned into machine code.


So I believe the best thing to do then would be for SSAFlower in its constructor to parse an entire program and then which uses a kind of consumer of sorts to generate code. Using the constructor would be dangerous because protected calls would be initialized in some places. So not too sure.


Another option is to remove SSAProgram.Node::insertBefore and have a strict next based program. However that would weak the functionality a bit. So perhaps instead of SSAProgram it should be called AbstractProgram.


Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way. In my SSAProgram I only have nodes which use operations. I just peeked at the LLVM exception handler documentation and it mentions basic blocks. I do not know what a basic block is but it sounds similar to my segments in SSAFlower. There is also a landing pad instruction which is similar to my InsertionPoint operation except LLVM only does it on exceptions. However in Java there are a bunch of variables which are cleared when an exception handler is caught. In my previous NARF stuff I handled such cases where this occurs. I had temporaries and non- temporaries. Now in my new run it is completely different, there are just variables. So I suppose it was bad to not design that into the new system. However LLVM has terminators, which are essentially branches that go to other basic blocks. So thinking of that, that is a good idea since I can simplify segments. The same happens with invoke which is quite handy, although the invoke has two which is either intro to another basic block or an exception block. Obviously for me I would not do a 1:1 situation. Another thing that was somewhat bothering me was branches back into the entry block. LLVM's entry block cannot be branched into, which solves that issue. I thought about this myself. So what I need is a partial rewrite of SSAProgram so that Segments of SSAFlower are part of the program and segments are written to and created instead. Also phi instructions are only legal when there is a block that comes before a block. That makes sense though, logically. So I need to bring back my temporary and permanent, along with bringing segments into the main part of the program.


Although compared to LLVM, my version of SSA would be more type safe and more Java oriented.