DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.
I have an infinite loop somewhere.
Actually the constant pool size of 29197 is taking quite awhile to calculate. It would probably be best to split off the builders then to another class instead of having all of them together in one gigantic enumeration. Good thing I split things up and used hairball to make things easier. I should however eat and then sleep before I do all this however. Also potentially means that MutableKBFEntry is not super speedy in generation of itself. However such a giant class is really a beating.
1024 entries takes more than a second to calculate.
[WARNING] Read 1024 of 29197, 2820ms
[WARNING] Read 2048 of 29197, 3156ms
[WARNING] Read 3072 of 29197, 4046ms
[WARNING] Read 4096 of 29197, 5844ms
[WARNING] Read 5120 of 29197, 8420ms
The time in ms is difference, which means there is a bottleneck for new entries which are added to the MutableKBFFile. An entry or list segment is created for each entry, so this means that the more entries there are the worse it gets. And this is exponential. 7168 took almost 40 seconds and the next up took nearly 50 seconds.
Looks like I see what it is. I use indexOf in a reference to another entry and when I did debugging before it stopped on that. So when the KBF entry gets put in the TOC it will need its position stored. A strange turn occured however.
[WARNING] Read 1024 of 29197, 2820ms [WARNING] Read 2048 of 29197, 3156ms
[WARNING] Read 3072 of 29197, 4046ms [WARNING] Read 4096 of 29197, 5844ms
[WARNING] Read 5120 of 29197, 8420ms [WARNING] Read 6144 of 29197, 13509ms
[WARNING] Read 7168 of 29197, 39734ms [WARNING] Read 8192 of 29197, 48637ms
[WARNING] Read 9216 of 29197, 62116ms [WARNING] Read 10240 of 29197, 54484ms
[WARNING] Read 11264 of 29197, 25999ms [WARNING] Read 12288 of 29197, 89ms
[WARNING] Read 13312 of 29197, 149ms [WARNING] Read 14336 of 29197, 190ms
[WARNING] Read 15360 of 29197, 2012ms
A bunch of constants which did not reference other KBF entries appears to have been used.
Remembering an index is faster, but still slow. First read is 708 and the second is 1505. However now the KBF load completes in a minute.
Currently at:
[FINE] Read 29197entries in 53818ms [INFO] KBF load was 116,814ms.
Then with a little work, hopefully it gets better.
Much improved!
[FINE] Read 29197 entries in 3780ms [INFO] KBF load was 33,789ms.
A 50 second improvement from 54 down to 4 is 13.5x faster. However loading still takes 34 seconds, but it is much better than the 117 seconds. The good thing about this is that this change will follow through on other things.
I know how I can increase some speed at the cost of some memory usage, is to have a kind of cache manager for identifiers, strings, and such. I create and set references all the time for them, however they can easily be shared between many entries. Reusing things for quick things should help increase speed a bit. Need to work on reducing the loading time for the members and such of the Java class. I also then need to split up the PowerPC operation code perhaps into separated classes which contain the builders. Perhaps 127 operations per class, which PowerPCInstruction points to.
The slowdown is most likely in the MutableKBFArray types.
My direct buffer writing does not appear to have much effect.
Only about perhaps a second of improvement when loading KBFs. I suppose the thing now to do is to split off the instruction stuff into other classes where they become methods. I do wonder though what the split should be. 100 per class or 50 per class. There are a great many instructions however. With 100 there would be 12 class files containing builder methods. However, the instruction enum will not need any bootstrap methods at all really. Well they could still exist. One thing to do is just have a class reference which then looks up a method in that class perhaps using a MethodHandle. The operations I have however need to be parsed because they are printed like enumerations. I suppose StreamTokenizer will help some in this.
I decided on splitting the enumerations into other classes. It was a fast way of doing things, in the future it would most likely be better to modify it so that it parses the enumeration itself and just calls methods rather than still using UnaryOperators.