DISCLAIMER: These notes are from the defunct k8 project which precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26! The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it.
For some operations I could extend to others of sorts, that could simplify
some things. One thing I have to determine though is the best way to store
external references that are built up for classes and to not have it be a huge
mess and duplicated across architectures. I will need an agreed upon register
in memory and some kind of structure in the base class. At run-time there
could be some base class changes which are hidden when changed so the depth of
inheritence is unknown at compile time. One thing I can do though is have the
current class to use for a method which points to a loaded ClassBinary for the
constant pool to reference data from. I suppose something like a
. That would be a bit slow though for
reads though. So I suppose what I can instead have is a local method index
table. Each method gets one and it points to externals that the method uses.
The method index table could be stored in the code data so that when it is
loaded it is read and links are done once during class loading time.
References to classes, methods, fields, and other things will use this simple
link table. Then when it comes time to calling some other method, the link
table is used to determine which actual method to call in the target class. A
method call will require that the target method table gets loaded otherwise
things will break for example. The method table could also have the current
class it is defined for. One thing to consider though is calling methods that
are defined in super classes with said super class object (for example
) where a sub-class changes the behavior. The method will
have the reference to the Object class and the toString method of it. It would
also know the Object it is calling the method on. So then I need a correct
method lookup table for the object. Each class will need said lookup table for
fields and such. Calling through Object or say CharSequence will need to have
the same effect. So I suppose what every object needs is a table which points
to a class which contains a table of correct methods. That table would be
looked at everytime a method is invoked so it must be a speedy operation. I
suppose the best thing would be to have a kind of hashing mechanism to quickly
find a method. The table will need to have a maximum limit so that modulo
operations (or and) are done. And the hash algorithm will have to be good
enough to not have any collisions. For each class I can have separated field
and method hash tables to reduce collisions when they are named the same. The
other thing to consider is method arguments. The varying arguments and return
values will have to influence the hash code. The has would also need to be
fast to execute and not be collision heavy. I suppose in the event of a
collision it will need a little extra code to solve. A bridge so to speak.
I suppose the table would be best a power of two because then I can just use a mask. The first piece of the table can just be a count to determine how to mask the values. Well at run-time that count can be ignored, so to speak. Well, the table is only used for that one method and nothing else so there would be no need for a complex algorithm. Actually forget most of that. The called methods are always static, so there will just be direct method table references. The class binary will have a key for each method to determine which externals should go in specific locations. As for bridge methods, I believe interface classes when loaded by the VM will consist entirely of those. So interfaces will have code, but their methods only divert execution to another class implementing the interface. Doing it that way means that everything is pretty much a class and I do not need to handle interfaces specially in the calling convention. For the implemented interfaces and their respective tables per class, there will have to be a kind of hash table because linear lookup of interface methods would be really slow. Another thing bridges will need to know is the actual desired method to call. The method table will need to, well it will just need to say which index the origin calling point came from. So say that in method main there is a call to foo. In that main method the foo's reference is at the table index of 7. Now when main calls foo, main will need to put down the reference (maybe a pointer to a structure or raw id) which will be read by the target method. A special spot will be used for table indexes. However the indexes only need to be used for bridges (such as in interfaces). Using an opaque number would be bad because I would need a handle to the calling method (which I might have anyway), so a pointer to some kind of structure would have to be done.