Actually, I believe the register setup which I have planned would be a bit complex, when it comes to the stack. Perhaps what I need are value write sizes. Essentially these specify the number of bytes that are permitted to be written into memory. Basically for MIPS and PowerPC these would be 1, 2, 4, and 8 (for PowerPC or 64-bit). This could be used by the allocation code to potentially determine the best way to allocate values. I suppose there can also be another flag for something called unaligned access. If that is true then alignment does not matter, however if it does then it will be based on the write size.
Actually, most of the complexities that I am currently running into are that allocations do not have to be pure. Basically, values are stored across registers and stack positions, but not both. It would be far simpler if values were allocated purely in registers. For values of a given type on system with lower register storages, if they cannot purely fit then they can go onto the stack. This way handling of allocations would be far easier and less complicated. This means however that on 8-bit systems with few registers that most values would be stored on the stack. So I propose for simplicity that allocations done by the basic code generator and such are pure.
So what I need are based methods for memory copy operations, basically load and stores into allocations.
Thinking about it, the NativeAllocation
can be semi-hacked with when
writing load/store. Essentially say one wants to store a byte into a given
array, what can be done is essentially to create a new NativeAllocation
with that given register but with a smaller value type such as byte.
Determining the best way to write this code. However, when it comes to the value copying the offsets for the source and the base are the same, they just have differing bases.
It would be best if the native code writer has a lower level register load/store so that operating on allocations is not required. One example of the register load/store would potentially be by other operations.