

The display server is best agnostic to its type.


For some displays, I may have a temporary connection or even a longer term one. I suppose for that I need a method that gives me a wrapped closeable with the needed stream stuff for i/o. Basically this method will take a single argument, whether it should be a hold open operation. If it is false then the stream may be closed when close on the wrapper is called. If it is true, then close has no effect even if other instances are opened with false specified. When an item is associated with a display it will be held open. I would also need some kind of escaping system where if the server end closes the connection for some reason (perhaps I/O error) the wrapper could potentially detect such things and then terminate the display.


There is a JSR related to displays called JSR 258, the Mobile User Interface Customization API.


Essentially it allows custom theming of sorts.


There is also AGUI, JSR 209.


JSR 209 has AWT, Swing, and ImageIO. I do wonder which version of Java it best matches. From version 1.4.2 they came. Then there is also a mention of JSR 216. This is the personal profile which comes with many more classes.


Feels like feature creep. I suppose what I should do is rename any projects that are grahics related so that they are prefixed with something such as gfx.


I definitely need a project that defines scope of what will be in SquirrelJME and what will NOT be in it. For sanity purposes.


And now that is complete, so I essentially looked at what was needed and it really is not that much at all. It would be much work, but there is quite some duplicating in the JSRs, so effectively implement one can give me multiple ones. I also definitely do not want to implement AWT or Swing, since they are essentially dead APIs.


Otherwise, I thought about event handling in displays. Since IMC is asynchronous, I can essentially have two threads for a display. One thread would be active for each local display (on the client side) and pretty much would keep reading in packets and then peforming calls. So any events generated on a display can be pushed rather than polled. Also, whenever a request is made to the remote end, such as setting a title, there can just be a send. I should make it so that everything is for the most part send only or receive only. I also thought about something for capabilities. The capabilities of a display should not change at all, so when the display is initialized (the array that is), those capabilities can be specified as required. Since the call to getDisplays pretty much checks capabilities, that would be a pretty much waste of socket time making a new request just to waste such a thing. Then there can be other flags for the pointer events and pointer motion. So I should minimize that cross-talk and try to get that kind of static information all at once.


Also means I do not have to go too crazy with some things.


Well, effectively with these other JSRs, I would have to essentially redesign my display system to handle such things. However now that I actually went through them, I now know that I am on a good route.


Actually, having bit flags and fields for properties of a display would be a bit ugly. What I essentially need is a kind of get of a property so to speak. For example, this information could be variable, but essentially just a group of integers that contain values. The information could be sourced from enumerations with IDs. So when writing, they would all be written and obtained. This would then mean that I could add new properties to a display and I would not need to have a manual 30-or-so variable passing or strange structure types. The enumeration set could also be passed in to the display initialization.


Well my conversion from PPI to Dot Pitch (in microns) was spot on. Of course I verified it, which turned out I was correct.