In change binding, I will have to go though and find unused registers so that
means NUBI gets the next register for usage. Also means the binding will need
a usesRegister
method and such.
So are argument registers temporary or are they saved? Initially, do I allocate only to temporaries or to saved arguments?
Would be best as temporary.
I can definitely commonize the assignment of bindings when the type changes along with the initial register usage for arguments. At least when it comes to the stack and the initial entry state, the elements will be at a known fixed location. Of course for every type check in the call, there would need to be a scan of every single argument. But in most cases the efficiency loss will not be much because the average stack and local count would be small.
Or maybe not.
Going to need a list of saved registers get used, so that their values are stored and restored accordingly.
Actually since before I want to keep the slots at specific stack locations this means that they do not actually store the stack offset and such. The stack space is allocated at the start of the method.
Ok so I can just use a single stack state. If something is not using registers then it is using stack space if it has been set. If a change type or allocation was performed the the stack location becomes valid. In the case of method arguments which are at fixed positions, they can just be overridden if stuff needs to be stored there.