I just thought about using only temporary values but moving clobbered argument register allocated slots to saved registers, then invoking the method. There are however far more saved registers than temporaries however. However seeing that the number of temporaries are so low, I will need to reserve some for operations I need to perform for example. So claiming temporaries is a rather bad idea. I believe what I need is a binding allocation manager of sorts, one which can have global state. For example there are some binding states which affect the entire method. For example if I use a saved register I need to store the value on the stack and restore it on return. If I use space on the stack, I need to increase the stack frame. Since my JIT is going to be designed for modern CPUs I have can have some common classes. In fact for the stack I do not need to have the code be CPU specific since for the most part all stacks are the same. I just need an engine specific stack initialization which can set some initial parameters and alignments.
This specific code would share the same stuff as the slots. This would then
mean that bindings are register only. This means getting a register interface
again just to associate with say MIPSRegister
, but it would only know if
two registers are the same.
I can definitely commonize anything related to registers and the stack with the base JIT code, but I do not need to go out of the way and actually support registers other than having interfaces.
And just having a binding with register information in it.
So I suppose that the architecture specific bindings are not needed at all.
Because pretty much every instance of them will be the same anyway because they will just store a set of registers. Then with the basic JIT design the set of registers will just be stored as such. Since with the MIPS code I made the registers just registers with no size information. So there are int and float registers but I do not associate a size with them because all registers of the same class are essentially the same size.
So I suppose what will follow is bringing in a bunch code code from the MIPS engine and making it common, becuase that code will just be duplicated for every supported architecture anyway.