

Ok, so I have been thinking about my JIT. Essentially what I have is a gigantic static compiler. Right now my plan is to build a link table and have all these class bits in there linked in. But I have been thinking of changing things. Basically the linker needs to have everything in memory anyway, from the byte code to the generated machine code. The JIT requires a bunch of memory to load the program code. But the program code has to go into memory. So right now I have a tradeoff, do I want an easier JIT with more memory required to use it or one which is a bit more complicated and requires a bit less memory. Basically I can go both ways. But I could have a kind of hybrid approach to the JIT. Basically there is the text and data sections. However I am hitting feature creep as I have before for other odd targets. I was thinking of a C language target again. But I definitely do not want to get into that loop again. So I am purely just targetting traditional CPUs.


Basically most systems have a code and data section. I can have a best of both worlds kind of thing. Having everything loaded in does give me the benefit of having some optimizations. But I think for speed and simplicity of the JIT I will only be performing the most basic optimizations. I think I want to avoid having the basic block logic, but basically have it where I have it now but it is just generated machine code with a given mutated state. That way once the byte code is parsed, I can just get rid of it. So basically in the text section there would be special markers that indicate areas that need to be adjusted depending on a given condition. Basically, the hypothesized calls for checking casting, instead of a flag they can just be a method call. Of course I can just optimize some of those method calls to ones which always return whether the check passes or fails. It is not the best but it is simple and does not require any extra special handling. For things which are not known it can just use the default handler which does that determination.


So basically LinkTable instead becomes the output binary stream class which holds the direct object code. There also is an indexing table used to replace some method calls accordingly.


Then that class being used by whatever executable output there is just provides a raw byte array or output to an OutputStream (or both probably). Then it performs the magical replacement stuff as needed by the native system.


So since access checks are purely done at compile time (excpet for Class.newInstance()), this means that there just needs to be an access table. This is filled up with information which is then just check when everything is done to make sure accesses are valid. Also read of static fields can be made constant pointers for the most part. So everything is moved into the compiler. Then at run-time the only thing that needs to run are class initializers and such. So this stuff is going to make a number of classes so they should be placed in their own sub-package from the base of the JIT so it remains clean. So this is the basic hierachy:


For inheritence I need to make sure that all of the interfaces that a class implements are visible and such.