

Ok so I need to setup a thing where I can create JARs to be tested on the simulator to test some conditions.


And that is not working, so I am just going to disassemble the classes to take a peek. This is legal because reverse engineering compatibility.

14: getfield      #11                 // Field numOfEls:I
17: if_icmple     28
20: new           #22                 // class java/lang/IndexOutOfB

So it is a documentation error.


I saw the eclipse and it was soo cool! Definitely was quite something. It was not partial but it was still pretty amazing and interesting.


One thing I will need to do with the LCDUI system is have a means to handle native references. Native widgets will probably be treated as if they were C code to the operating system. Since Java has a garbage collector, they will need to be maintained, otherwise they would end up garbage collected. So I basically just need a handle system. Basically when something is created from the native system there will need to be returned handle. So the display provider will need to be much more powerful and be able to have handles. Basically, I will need something with weak references and the provider will need to be an abstract class because it will need to handle the collection of the native references however it works.


Basically there will need to be a garbage collecting UI thread which polls to see if things were garbage collected so that the resources can be freed properly.


Ok so there are tabbed panes where screens can be placed into them, but the only two valid screens are forms and lists. However, in the general point of things, virtually everything would be inside of some kind of container like a form and such. So each display would have a container of sorts where things can be added and such.


So I think it would definitely simplify the design much if every Displayable were to be treated as something which can be contained. That would make things a bit simpler to implement on the native side. Containers could contain multiple items. So basically these containers would act exactly like forms except the LCDUI code will have some added limitations to prevent them from being used as such. So canvases and such will just be widgets.


One main thing is that I can have a widget system, but due to the class nature some parts could get ugly. I could have some base class issues.


Ok, so widgets for a base then, then those widgets can be used by things. But that does not completely fully match how LCDUI things. At least on very cramped displays it will not really be that effective and elements would have trouble being viewed. So I suppose just native representation of the screen elements. But have it where any of them can be placed into a tabbed pane despite only forms and lists being useable.


So widgets can be owned by other widgets. But then there are displayable containers and such. Really the tabbed pane complicates things potentially. So how about instead treat widgets as a grouping of sorts.


Maye for registers I have been trying to have a combined register and ABI interface. Maybe those are two separate concerns. What if they should not be together as one. Basically have an ABIManager and the RegisterManager or provider whatever. Both managers can work, but I would say go back to provider. It provides registers.