

Ok, I should have a token parse location which specifies the zone a token is in. This is a token without just a basic high level context.


Well this appeared in my code for parts of identifiers:

(__c >= 0x0001 && __c < 0x0009) ||
(__c >= 0x000E && __c < 0x001C) ||

These are ASCII control codes. I never would have suspected these would be valid.


It even includes NUL. So the valid characters are: NUL, SOH, STX, ETX, EOT, EOT, ENQ, ACK, BEL, BS, SO, SI, DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, NAK, SYN, ETB, CAN, EM, SUB, ESC, and DEL. This excludes: HT, LT, VT, FF, CR, FS, GS, RS, and US.


I am going to teir the tokenizer up. First have a basic tokenizer which is really simple then have one that is a bit more complex and knows more about the program state (handled as a queue) which can create better context sensitive tokens.


So that means the token zone goes away and things get simpler. The Tokenizer will just only care about tokens.


Ok so the first stage reader gets simplified and is given position and such.


One thing with peaking is that the line and column information will end up being a bit off, so if I want something accurate I will need to record it. So I suppose there will be a bunch of slots although a bunch of arrays could do. Maybe instead of the Tokenizer doing the queueing the LogicalReader can that way it is just in one spot. It itself has to de-escape unicode sequences anyway so it will have bytes in a queue for the most part.


I do not actually need a queue, I can take multiple routes based on the first read character.


Ok so unicode escape sequences are nicely handled and it works quite well.