

I need a font but FontForge is really glitchy in that it fails to properly save glyphs which have been drawn. I would draw a bunch and then suddenly they just go away.


Looks like I will have to operate solely on BDFs I suppose. That would be annoying a bit because it is like GIMPs export, but so far it seems that glyphs are not just lost out of nowhere at least when they are in memory. So that means not keeping around any sfd files.


I could though, write my own font editor and keep it within SquirrelJME and just have it do what I need it to do. Would be some more work, but it would in a way work for the most part.


I just have a slight dependency issue, to develop the UI and such more I need some fonts. But to draw the fonts I need, I need the UI. So I would have to pull out GIMP and have very basic bitmap fonts, just enough to get things done for the most part. Then after that, move the font engine over. I could operate with BFDs, so that the fonts are in text format but could potentially be edited by FontForge and such.


I hope directories will end up being much better compared to single files. Better for version control and glyphs it seems will not be able to get lost.