Actually with the LCDUI code having the case where it is only in the simple way I planned yesterday, I can just have simplified fonts and such too. This really this is a great simplification.
Also an unrelated idea I had was that I could have maybe just what I
codenamed Booplets which are cldc-compact
and a very simple UI and
sound library which could be used for the very very limited systems. So things
would still work, but it would be bare minimum support, not even like MIDlets
and such for the most part. Of course the default implementation of the
backing end would use the LCDUI code, but in the general native sense it
otherwise would not be using it.
I need a cleaner bit of code which can manage the display properties such as
where things are drawn and where the content area in the display actually is.
Basically something mutable that can be calculated and updated in one simple
and very easy step. It also can manage the content area which would be very
important if one is provided. It would be recursive for the most part, but it
would be very simple to do. But it would basically start with a Display
then go otherwise. This way it can handle tabbed panes too.