I had an idea, I can have another namespace which specifies platforms that can be targetted for SquirrelJME. They will essentially act the same as libraries but it would make things easier because they would be in a single location. Then this way the platform specific stuff is in a standard location. Then when it comes to building support for platforms, they can be added up together and such. There could be base unsafe stuff too.
I cannot dynamically load libraries, but I do have an idea. plat
the support for platforms, such as the code in unsafe. Then I will also need
platform specfic builders, which knows how to build for a given platform. So
for a Java SE target that the build system runs in, I can have a kind of
pseudo environment that the bootstrap can build. Well for a pseudo environment
everything could be virtualized. It would still be byte code, but the
generated JAR that is executed will have all of the code modified in a way
which allows that code to run cleanly. So my idea is to have plat
in the run-time environment platform specific stuff, then the build system can
instead launch and load projects which are in pbld
which define builders
that the build system can use to target a given system. It can use the liblet
system. All targets would have been thrown in libs
but at least with this, I
can have dynamic determination and setting up of a build environment. So to
basically target something, the build system will search for a library and
peek within the manifests to determine which midlet should be launched. But
the build system would be a launched MIDlet with some base MIDlet code in the
library which is launched as needed. The build definitions and such can be
placed in a system property so it is known how they are executed. I just need
to check launching of other midlets, if properties can be set and such.
Also, additionally I can have the kern
project which act like libraries but
it defines anything that is used by the kernel specifically, such as the JIT
or any implementation dependent stuff.
There can be a primitive recompilation of all of the Java byte code to code
that works within a virtualized SquirrelJME environment. With thread locals
there can be replacements and such for instructions directly to static
methods. Those methods then perform what is needed, they access thread local
variables which determines their process identifier along with any global and
local state. So stuff like getfield
will not be replaced because those are
linked to objects, but stuff such as getstatic
will be replaced by a static
method call because it is not known how they inherit. This would produce a
bit slower code, but it would run on the host JVM using SquirrelJME's internal
run-time libraries and such.
So then basically, does the bootstrap build system bootstrap a build enviroment which runs with SquirrelJME's libraries internally how they would be if they were ran from within SquirrelJME itself?
This would mean an actual working suite manager and all that would entail for the most part. But it would mean that the build system would iterate through things to find the right builder. It is a bit complicated but it could work out. It would also allow builders to be dynamically plugged in without them needing to be part of the base SquirrelJME environment. But a bunch of the code I have for reading classes exists and I can just use that as a base. Take apart the JIT, the base bootstrap system can build the build environment which is SquirrelJME itself and then jump into it.
Of course when it comes to multiple processes running, there is no way to pass data back and forth, so an IMC connection would need to be made between the build master and the build target slaves.
Maybe one thing I can do instead is have master namespaces. Basically I keep the same distinction of APIs, LIBlets, and MIDlets and not provide any more complicated setups. But when it comes to different parts of the code I will have basically two things: run-time and build-time. build-time only contains things which will be available to the build system, while run-time stuff would be part of the run-time. I would also need one that is for the JIT. So that way if the JIT is not available then none of the packages are visible in any way. Then this means that when it comes to the source code, when no JIT is available it will just ignore all of those groups of projects. I can technically use the same existing source manager code and just not provide those areas. So that way, if there is no JIT it would never be possible ever include those applications and libraries. The JIT however would only contain libraries anyway. This way, there is more organization in the code. So this is really just an organization cleanup.
: Run-time.jitt
: JIT-time.bldt
: Build-time.
I could do that pseudo environment thing, but that would be just too far complex and messy to setup initially and would very much complicate things greatly. So for simplicity I can just in a way hack the required support so that it works properly and such.
I could setup a system which allows me to spawn other processes and allow for communication back and forth like MIDlets being launched. It would work for most systems and the systems I actually care about for the most part.