

Okay, so I need to determine how to create factories for tasks and the main thing will be setting up the CLDC interfaces for managing tasks. But that should be simple for the most part. Due to the way it seems tasks will operate I will basically just have new processes for newly created tasks with the correct classpath and such. This would be consistent with Java ME. Then on top of that I can implement the launcher for example for running programs. I would say that the intended program to be ran is always the launcher, but I can have like a virtual interface which starts the launcher from the build system so that it provides a pseudo-ish environment.


The only issue would actually be the security manager. Like I would need to obtain some internal SquirrelJME stuff but still have permission checks performed and all of that. Otherwise code could just skip checks and directly use the system interface. So basically, the system libraries would need to perform the checks as needed.


Alternatively the system services like I have it now, the way they are provided there could just be a single security check. Then if it is not permitted then there would be a failing thing which always throws a given exception. This of course would need to be initialized by the system. It would always need to make sure there is an instance of the system interfaces to be initialized magically.


Okay, so I think the best thing to do would be to split the CLDC run-time bridge stuff. Basically I will have a low level bridge which does the more native things. Then there will be a high level bridge that is initialized after the fact. It still uses the low level stuff but it should work a bit cleaner. For example, the task manager would be high level in that it can use similar and common interfaces. So for example, when it comes to user-mode processes. Instead of the task manager being provided by the initializer it will just be initialized by the task runner for the system. But the initial task manager which is owned by the system, it will not cause the same thing to happen.


Well that is a bit hacky, but it works on Linux. Really with it this way the hack is contained to only a single class which initializes the internal APIs at least on Java SE systems.


One thing I will need for tasks is the initialization and keeping track of tasks and their wrapped representations. Basically what I need to do is have it where there are cached task representations, but ones where they are kept and such. So that will be very much needed.


One thing that would need to be handled is communication between the server and the client for each process that is spawned. I could use a network socket but I could also use standard I/O. However the problem with standard I/O is that I will need to replace the system provided input and output streams to handle cases such as this. I could then use a packet based network similar to TCP to send data back and forth. At least this way I do not need to worry about setting up a server or other such things. It will actually work out. It can be a very basic IPC for the most part and it should work on every system for the most part too. I will just need a thread for each sub-process for the communication system. Standard error though can just be spit out to the console or whatever as usual.


One thing I will need is to have to a general event system that is global for everything. There are many things which have listeners and I need a common interface that just uses a single thread rather than a large number of threads for each subsystem.