

Okay so at this point, what happens next? I have tickers which was quite easy to implement. I suppose the next big thing to do would be forms. But actually before that I think I will finish off canvases and have a working event system in place. Events will definitely be important because there will have to be command callbacks and such for items and forms. So this will take care of the bulk of it.


Okay so looking at CanvasItem and TextEditor it seems this can just be added to a Canvas or Canvas item and just provides a mean to edit text on these instead of using text boxes and such. So I suppose that can be locally or mostly locally implemented perhaps. Well, it depends.


Okay so can CustomItem get customized borders, like to make a button or a dropped down area for text? I suppose it would be borderless and up to the implementation to add a border? Seems like a kind of a limitation I suppose, will need to see how other systems handle it and such.


But definitely the thing to do now, is to get back into events. But this can be handled by the wodget code easily now. I think something that would be great is if I made proprietary interfaces for the items so that some events are the same and such.


Only two classes have events though, which would be Canvas and CustomItem but reduced documentation would be easier and I could just use interfaces for handlers and such.


Definitely some interfaces would be good, for the duplicated stuff between the two classes. Additionally I can just not have duplicate code.


I have an idea! I do not need sub-methods at all! I can have everything be in __Widget__. For stuff like paint() I can instead just have it call a package private method which does nothing. Sub-classes would just extend that package private up to protected. So this would make it easy and I would not need interfaces at all. Then stuff like command listeners or events can just do super calls accordingly. So basically __Widget__ will do all of the work with no duplication basically. Then I can get away with having protected too.


I do though need to consider, what happens if there is a package private method which is executed from another class. Which method is called?


Okay good, it is completely sane for stuff outside of packages, basically my method could not be executed from another package and was not replaced even though it was made public. Probably if I looked at the code there would be an invokespecial. Well there is an invokevirtual call. Let me see what the traces are.


This is the call:

Hello from A! >>>>>
at a.A.hello(A.java:13)
at a.A.<init>(A.java:7)
at b.B.<init>(B.java:9)
at b.B.main(B.java:23)
Hello from B! >>>>
at b.B.hello(B.java:16)
at b.B.<init>(B.java:10)
at b.B.main(B.java:23)

So that works out. What I need to do now is have a C which is in a and see if it works as I hope it does.


And it does as it should be, so my confirmation has been made and it should be completely safe.


For increased speed I suppose, what I need is an element bounds thing for the clipping rectangle. Instead of copying the entire array which contains the entire image, I can just copy part of it back.


It would be good if for drawing sub-regions that if they are shadowed locally I do not need to create a buffer which can store the entire image. So basically there would be a global fixed translation. So effectively the translation when set or unset is always at those given coordinates. I would not need to change the code at all because only a few methods use the translation. But an absolute translation would be useful. It would be better for embedded systems where the buffer has to be shadowed and the area to draw on is quite large.


I need to figure out the math for absolute translations.


Okay so, translations which are positive will draw further up in the image while those which are negative will draw further down. When the local callback sets up the mini buffer it will use negative coordinates. So for set translation locally, the initial translation will be the absolute translation.