Release Goals Route

SquirrelJME follows a goal-oriented release plan rather than one of fixed dates. This is to reduce stress and not put hard time limits but more of an action-oriented plan to meet when it is time for releases.

Until all of the goals are met (or otherwise pushed back or dropped if needed) the lowest version number will remain at zero. Otherwise, when the goals are met the Release Candidate process will start.

To reduce the possibility of releases failing due to issues, there will be a release candidate as a kind of test to ensure that the release process works and that SquirrelJME actually functions. There will be as many release candidates as needed for the fixing of issues, however once the release is determined to be stable enough it will then become an actual release and get an even numbered release version.


Please note that this information may change over time and is just speculation based on project planning.



This is a future release and the specified changes are proposed.

This is a mostly interest driving version that is to see how many retro systems SquirrelJME can be put onto using the new compiler implementation.


This is a future release and the specified changes are proposed.

This version will contain the new AutumnCoat compiler which will be modernized and be able to support actual native executables.


This is a future release and the specified changes are proposed.

Will contain the vast majority of the API implementations which should be able to run most software that exists.



This is the second version of SquirrelJME which provides virtual machine improvements.

This release existed through both the previous release plan and the now current goal oriented releases, as such this list is more oriented into what needs to be done.


0.2.0 (December 25, 2018)

This is the first version of SquirrelJME.

This release was before the goal-oriented release planning.