- BacklightControl:
Control utilities for the backlight.
- DisplayHardwareState
: This represents the state of the display hardware.
- DisplayOrientation
: This is used to determine the orientation of the display.
- DisplayState: This is
the display state used for displays.
- SerializedEvent:
This annotation is used to specify that the given method is serialized
and will never be called in parallel ever by the LCDUI display driver,
it does not have any effect on the method and is just a documentation
- CharSequenceDecoder
: This class is used to decode character sequences so that it is known
which parts of characters are what and which codepoints are to be
attached to text.
- CommonColors:
Common widget colors.
- CommonMetrics
: Common widget metrics.
- DecodedCharacter
: This contains structured information on a character which has been
- EditableText:
This class is used to manage text, it manages the caret position.
- TextStorage:
Manages the storage for the text in multiple different arrays at once
for simplicity.
- EventTranslate
: Used to translate key events and such.
- KeyCodeTranslator
: This is used with {@link ServiceLoader} to implement API specific
event translators.
- KeyNames: This is
used to translate key codes into key names.
- FontUtilities:
This class provides static utility methods for fonts and otherwise.
- SQFFont: This
represents a SQF Font (SquirrelJME Font) which is a compacted and
simplified font representation that is made to be as simple as
possible by having the desired goals: small, low memory, easy to load.
- SQFFontSpecifier
: Specifier for SQF Fonts.
- AdvancedBufferAdapter
: This is the base class for buffer adapters, instances of these
classes are used to translate the 32-bit integer format to lower
quality buffer formats.
- AdvancedFunction
: This contains the various functions that may be set by {@link
AdvancedGraphics} and called accordingly when needed.
- AdvancedGraphics
: This class contains the advanced graphics functions which uses
pre-determined functions to determine how to draw something.
- BasicForwardingGraphics
: This forwards all calls to the specified graphics object, this is
used to prevent malicious classes from changing the graphics canvases
and items draw to.
- DoubleBuffer:
This class implements a double buffered image which may be used for
graphics operations.
- EnforcedDrawingAreaGraphics
: This is a graphics which enforces a translation and maximum drawing
bounds to a target graphics object.
- ForwardingGraphics
: This forwards graphical calls to the specified sub-class.
- GraphicsFunction
: This represents a graphical function.
- ProxyGraphics:
This is a proxy version of {@link Graphics} where each instance can
refer to a single graphics instance.
- ProxyGraphicsTarget
: This is used for the target of any {@link ProxyGraphics}.
- SerializedGraphics
: This class takes any input graphics operations that were performed
for it, serializing anything that was sent to it.
- SingleBuffer:
Represents a single buffer for use with {@link DoubleBuffer}.
- DisplayWidget:
Display widget.
- PencilGraphics:
This delegates drawing operations to either the hardware graphics
layer or the software graphics layer.
- SoftwareGraphicsFactory
: This factory is responsible for creating software level graphics
renderers that can draw within an array pixel buffer.
- StaticDisplayState
: Static state of the LCDUI sub-system.
- UIBackend: This
interface is used as a wrapper around {@link UIFormShelf}, it is
implemented by a class and essentially is used to forward calls to the
true backing implementation.
- UIBackendFactory
: Used to gain access to the {@link UIBackend}.
- UIBackendType:
The type of backend to use, if forced.
- Vibration: Support
for vibration.
- FBAttachment:
This interface is used for any framebuffer like source, regardless of
where it is layered on top of.
- FBUIBackend:
This is a virtual user interface form backend which is backed on the
raw framebuffer.
- NativeFBAttachment
: This is an attachment which interacts with the native framebuffer of
the system accordingly.
- UIFormAttachment
: This is an attachment which bases itself on top of {@link
UIFormBracket} via the {@link UIFormShelf}, it implements the simplest
means of a framebuffer by initializing just a {@link
UIItemType#CANVAS} as its display.
- NativeUIBackend
: This is a form engine which is used when UI Forms are supported by
the native implementation.