- AccessibleFlags:
These are flags which are associated with accessible objects to
determine if they can be accessed from one location to another.
- Annotated: This
represents any element which has been annotated.
- Annotation: This
represents an annotation which has values assigned to keys.
- AnnotationTable:
This contains the annotation table which stores all of the annotation
- AnnotationValue:
This interface represents any class which is able to be used as a
value for a given annotation.
- AnnotationValueArray
: This represents an annotation value that is an array.
- AnnotationValueClass
: This is an annotation value which represents a class.
- AnnotationValueEnum
: This is an annotation value which represents an enumeration.
- AnnotationValuePrimitive
: This represents an annotation value that represents a primitive
- AnnotationValueString
: This represents an annotation value which is a string.
- Attribute: This
represents a single attribute which exists within a class.
- AttributeTable:
This represents the attribute table that exists within a class.
- BinaryName: This
represents a binary name which consists of a class which is separated
internally by forwarded slashes.
- ByteCode: This class
represents the byte code within a method.
- ByteCodeUtils: Byte
code utilities.
- ClassFile: This
represents a class file which was most likely derived from the binary
class file format of a class.
- ClassFlag: These are
flags which modify how a class is accessed and is behaved.
- ClassFlags: This
represents the flags which a class may be.
- ClassIdentifier:
This is used to identify the fragment of a class or package.
- ClassName: This
represents the name of a class or array within the virtual machine.
- ClassNames: Represents
multiple class names.
- ClassType: Returns the
type of class this is.
- ClassVersion: This
represents the class version that a class may be.
- ConstantValue: This
represents a constant value.
- ConstantValueClass
: This represents a constant value which is of a class.
- ConstantValueDouble
: Represents a double constant value.
- ConstantValueFloat
: Represents a float constant value.
- ConstantValueInteger
: Represents a constant integer value.
- ConstantValueLong
: Represents a long constant value.
- ConstantValueNumber
: This represents a constant value which is a number.
- ConstantValueString
: This represents a string constant value.
- ConstantValueType
: This indicates the type that a constant value is.
- ExceptionHandler
: This represents a single exception handler.
- ExceptionHandlerTable
: This represents a every exception that exists within a method.
- Field: This represents a
field in a class which is used to store values either as static
instances or as instance variables outside of methods.
- FieldDescriptor:
This represents the type descriptor of a field.
- FieldFlag: These are
flags which are associated with class fields.
- FieldFlags: This
represent the set of flags for fields.
- FieldName: This
represents the name of a field.
- FieldNameAndType
: This represents the name and type for a field.
- FieldReference:
This describes a reference to a field.
- Flag: This interface is used
to flag the types used for flags.
- Flags: This is the base
class for all flag collections.
- FormalParameter:
This represents a single formal parameter which is used as input for a
method call.
- FormalParameters
: This class stores and represents the formal parameters of a method.
- HasAccessibleFlags
: This interface represents anything that has accessible flags.
- HasMemberFlags:
This represents anything which has member flags.
- Identifier: This
represents an identifier which acts as a name of a fragment of a class
or a member of a class.
- InnerClass: This
represents an inner class that is contained within an outer class, it
is used by the compiler to determine how classes are contained within
each other.
- InnerClassFlag:
This represents a flag which may be associated with an inner class.
- InnerClassFlags:
This represents a set of flags which are used as modifiers to inner
- InnerClasses: This
contains the table of inner class references.
- Instruction: This
represents a single instruction within the byte code.
- InstructionAddressRange
: This represents a range of instruction addresses, the start is
inclusive and the end is exclusive.
- InstructionIndex
: This interface contains instruction identification numbers which
identify opcodes based on their opcode ID.
- InstructionJumpTarget
: This represents a branch or jump target that may be used by
- InstructionJumpTargets
: This represents the targets of jumps that an instruction may jump
- InstructionMnemonics
: This contains instruction mnemonics.
- InstructionRawArgumentType
: Represents the type of argument that an instruction may have.
- IntMatchingJumpTable
: This interface represents a jump table which matches based on an
input integer.
- InvalidClassFormatException
: This is thrown when the format of a class is not valid.
- JavaStackShuffleType
: This represents the type of stack shuffle to perform.
- JavaType: This
represents a type which may be used on the stack or within local
variables within the virtual machine.
- LocalVariableInfo
: Contains local variable information.
- LocalVariableTable
: Represents a local variable table.
- LookupSwitch: This
class represents a lookup switch which is used to lookup indexes as a
jump table.
- Member: This represents
the base for members within classes.
- MemberDescriptor
: Represents the type of the member.
- MemberFlag: This is a
flagging interface for flags which are associated with members.
- MemberFlags: This is
the base class for flags which are for member types.
- MemberName: Represents
the name of a member.
- MemberNameAndType
: This represents something which is a member and has a member name
and type.
- MemberReference:
This is the base class for field and method references.
- Method: This represents a
method which is used to execute byte code.
- MethodDescriptor
: This represents the type descriptor of a method.
- MethodFlag: These are
flags which are used by methods.
- MethodFlags: This
represents the set of flags for methods.
- MethodHandle: This
represents a method's class, name, and type.
- MethodName: This
represents the name of a method.
- MethodNameAndType
: This represents the name and type for a method.
- MethodReference:
This describes a reference to a method.
- NameAndType: This
holds the name and type strings, the type descriptor is not checked.
- Pool: This class decodes the
constant pool and provides generic access to the contents of it.
- PrimitiveType: This
enumeration represents a primitive type.
- SimpleStorageType
: The simple storage type of a field or other type.
- StackMapTable: This
is the stack map table which is used for verification purposes.
- StackMapTableEntry
: This represents a single entry within the stack map table which may
additionally has a flag indicating if an entry is initialized or not.
- StackMapTablePair
: Represents a pair of stack map tables, for input and output.
- StackMapTablePairs
: Stack map table pairs.
- StackMapTableState
: This represents a single state within the stack map table which
contains a listing of all of the types used for local and stack
variable along with the current depth of the stack.
- TableSwitch: This
represents a table switch.
- UTFConstantEntry
: This represents a UTF-8 constant pool entry.
- UnsupportedInvokeDynamic
: A value which represents an unsupported {@code invokedynamic} call.
- WideConstantTopEntry
: This represents an entry which is the top of a long or double so
that the space is not treated as {@code null} or the type of the base.